Das Ende des kabelgebundenen Lichtschalters!
Der kabelgebundene Lichtschalter hat ausgedient. Die meisten der weltweit führenden Hersteller haben mittlerweile eine batterielose Funkschalteroption in ihrem Programm, viele davon mit EnOcean-Technologie – so seit kurzem auch Legrand, einer der Schwergewichte im Lichtschalter-Markt. Die Dynamik hinter dieser Technologie hat sich in den letzten 20 Jahren eher im Hintergrund entwickelt. Was also ist der Grund
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Smart Home – Komfort, Sicherheit und Energieeffizienz im vernetzten Zuhause
von Graham Martin, Chairman & CEO EnOcean Alliance Das intelligente Zuhause ist auf dem Vormarsch. Denn die eigenen vier Wände zu vernetzen wird mit steigendem Angebot entsprechender Endgeräte und professioneller Systemlösungen immer einfacher und benutzerfreundlicher. Was genau ein Smart Home ist, für welche Anwendungsbereiche sich die Vernetzung lohnt und warum sich Funktechnologie besonders gut dafür
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Aruba Expands Roster of Easy-to-Deploy Workplace Safety Solutions
Aruba, a Hewlett Packard Enterprise company, today announced an expanded set of integrated, easy-to-deploy Edge and IoT solutions designed to enable organizations to bring employees back to physical workplaces safely. Developed using Aruba Wi-Fi access points (AP’s), EnOcean 800/900MHz radios that insert into the AP’s, and compatible IoT devices from Aruba Technology Partners, these solutions monitor hoteling
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Building Automation Opportunities to Meet NYC Emission Laws in Existing Buildings
New York City’s Local Law 97 mandates large (over 25,000 square feet) existing buildings in New York City reduce their carbon emissions by 40% by 2030 and by 80% by 2050. What are the requirements and opportunities for building owners and operators? By Michael St. Louis and Graham Martin, EnOcean Alliance Inc. “With so many
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The Italian “Superbonus 110%” Economic Recovery Program – A Golden Opportunity for Energy-Efficient Technology!
Buildings are the biggest energy consumers of all and account for >40% of global energy consumption (compared with approx. 30% for industry and 30% for transport). New Italian legislation now aims to boost the economy by providing financial incentives promoting sustainability and improving energy efficiency, especially in older residential properties. The COVID-19 economic recovery program
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Hyperaware Smart Buildings with EnOcean and Aruba
Hewlett Packard’s Aruba has joined the EnOcean Alliance as a participant member. When used together, the Aruba Wi-Fi infrastructure and EnOcean energy harvesting wireless solutions enable customers to create hyperaware smart buildings that are cognizant of, and responsive to, their changing operating environment and occupant needs. The simplicity of the solution makes it now possible
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Gebäudeautomation Opus integriert Apples HomeKit
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Smart zum Smart Home mit Jäger Direkt
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EnOcean findet Anschluss an Apples Homekit
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EnOcean goes Consumer
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