New updates to the NEC code in the USA
NEC code updates restrict battery-powered switches usage, making energy harvesting switches the viable option for wireless lighting control San Ramon, June 12th, 2023. EnOcean Alliance offers self-powered light switches as solution to the new US National Electrical Code requirements effectively making stand-alone battery-powered switches obsolete in new 2023 NEC Code 210.70 compliant installations New updates
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CO2 measurement is only the first step to define indoor air quality
Learn how to protect your health – and not just from COVID-19 Olivier Martimort, CEO, NanoSense. Indoor Air Quality (IAQ), a major concern not addressed often enough Indoor air quality is a largely neglected topic. On average we spend more than 90% of our time indoors, where air is 5 to 10 times more
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Chances have never been better for your EnOcean products!
San Ramon (USA) – January 19th, 2023. The business opportunities with EnOcean technology are brighter than ever! Join us for a look back and a look forward to our promising future. The EnOcean Alliance looks back at a successful 2022, with growth in all key indicators such as membership, certified products, social media, marketing/expo &
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Schüco: Energy self-sufficient monitoring of closing with added value
Schüco SensTrack wireless Bielefeld. Schüco SensTrack wireless is an intelligent sensor that monitors the locking status of Schüco window systems. The patented smart system for monitoring of closing notifies the user if the window is securely locked, without requiring an external energy supply to do so. The movement of the fitting supplies the battery-free wireless
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In the Footsteps of the “Giants” – Smart Working Environments for SMEs
Wired or Wireless: Which is Better Suited for a Networked Building? By Graham Martin, Chairman & CEO EnOcean Alliance and Marketa Sidlikova M.Sc. Fin. Intelligent working environments with needs-based regulation of temperature, air quality and lighting can have a positive effect on the comfort and well-being of employees, increasing their motivation and productivity. What large
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There is no Getting Around the Smart Home
Wired or Wireless Technology: Which is Better for a Connected Home? By Julia Winkler (B.Eng.), Prof. Dr. Michael Kroedel, Marketa Sidlikova (M.Sc. in Finance) Smart Home is “in”. Networking your own four walls is becoming easier and more user-friendly than ever with the increasing number of corresponding end devices and professional system solutions. The
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La lutte pour le pouvoir des protocoles d’automatisation des bâtiments intelligents
LoRa et EnOcean représentent deux approches différentes dans la sélection de normes radio aux fins d’automatisation et de commande des bâtiments. Laquelle convient le mieux à vos applications de smart building ? Auteur : Pete Smith, chef des ventes et du marketing chez iaconnects Le protocole LoRa (associé à l’implémentation de son réseau étendu, LoRaWAN) et le
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Les normes radio pour l’immotique intelligente
Vous avez l’embarras du choix lorsque vous devez sélectionner une norme radio pour le contrôle automatique et la commande des bâtiments. Laquelle convient le mieux à vos applications ? par Pete Smith, chef des ventes et du marketing chez iaconnect Les deux normes radio les plus populaires pour l’immotique sont Zigbee et le protocole radio EnOcean.
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The Power Struggle for Smart Building Automation Protocols
LoRa and EnOcean represent different approaches when selecting wireless standards for building automation and control. Which one is best for your smart building applications? Author: Pete Smith, Head of Sales and Marketing at iaconnects Two popular radio standards competing for building automation applications are LoRa (together with its wide-area network implementation, LoRaWAN) and the EnOcean
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La mort de l’interrupteur filaire est annoncée
Graham Martin – Président-directeur général Alliance EnOcean La mort est annoncée de l’interrupteur filaire. La plupart des grands fabricants mondiaux proposent maintenant une option d’interrupteur sans fil ni pile et beaucoup de ces interrupteurs sont alimentés par la technologie EnOcean. Legrand, un des leaders du marché mondial des interrupteurs d’éclairage, vient de rejoindre ce groupe de fabricants
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